Woodland Cemetery
Woodland Cemetery has a sad story. Young Johnny Morehouse froze to death when he fell into the Miami & Erie Canal, although his dog tried hard to pull him out. After Johnny died, the dog wouldn’t move from the grave site, and eventually died. A statue was made of the dog, to sit alongside Johnny on the grave. Moved by the story, folks come from all around to leave toys at the grave. But this isn’t the sad part. In 2008, vandals sawed the head off the dog statue, and now it stands headless. Nevertheless, Johnny’s and his dog’s spirits are said to linger here, and visitors have heard barking and playing. UPDATE: The head of the dog was recovered and placed back on the statue. !!!
The ghost of a blonde girl in jeans and white tennis shoes also appears here, sitting on a stone. She sometimes talks to visitors who think she’s a living person. Locals can tell you several other ghost stories about this.
We were investigating, ans saw many things including a shadow figure very close to the Morehouse grave site.