The Old Burlington Cemetery
The July 7, 1955, edition of The Boone County Recorder noted that “In an old cemetery, just north of Burlington, Ky., rest the remains of many prominent people of the 18th and 19th centuries,” a humble introduction to one of Boone County’s most sacred places. The Old Burlington Cemetery is a 1.7-acre plot along Bullittsville Road, on the northern edge of Burlington. The cemetery contains the graves of more than 250 Boone County residents, including former County Judges, other government officials, and leading citizens from the last two centuries.
In 1964, the Daughters of the American Revolution dedicated a bronze marker in the cemetery on the grave of American Revolutionary War Veteran Israel Gilpin. His epitaph reads: Pause stranger, ere your wandering feet you turn, And from this grave a lesson deign to learn; A soldier’s ashes sleep beneath your feet, A patriot’s heart once in his bosom beat; That freedom, which we fought in youth to gain, He leaves to you to cherish and maintain.
What we found were a few anomalies on the headstones , but the real crazy thing was that my key fob for my car would not work inside the fence of the cemetery, only outside of the fence was where it would work, very strange. I am guessing the battery was drained by an "inhabitant" of the cemetery.