Baker Family Cemetery
In September 2017 we did a little investigation at the Baker Family cemetery that is located in Big Bone Park. This is a very small family cemetery that has a lot of history. As you might know we also did a investigation at the church a while back and caught what appeared to be a image of a man looking at us out of the window. At the cemetery we were using our ovilus and we picked up the words: GRAVE YARD (which I thought was pretty neat since we were at a grave yard), RAISED ( that was picked up twice), the name LIMA, FEAR ME (that was picked up 4 times), DAUGHTER, UNHOLY, the name NATHAN, FAMILY, the name VICTOR, the name ALEXANDER (Which is the middle name of Sally's husband), INVESTIGATE, KILLED, FIRE, BATTERIES (that was picked up 3 times). The thing I found the most fascinating was we had our EMF sitting up against our bag and there was no power lines or anything around where it was, and it was going crazy. It kept lighting up, I have never been on a investigation and had my meter go that crazy for that long. I was asking question and the meter was going off as to answer me and so was my ovilus. I asked what the persons name was that was lighting up the meter and it said its name was Sandy so every time I would ask if this was Sandy the meter would light up, then I asked where she was buried and she said 10, if you count the graves the 10th grave belongs to Sally, So I asked if this was really Sally and not Sandy and the meter went crazy. You can watch it in the video I am posting. It was so cool to get that kind of response and for so long. We also captured some strange looking images in the trees and around the tombstones. This is a place that you can tell you are not alone when you visit.
Disclaimer: All photos/video are copyrighted of Doug and myself and can not be used without our permission.