Lucy Run Road and Batavia Cemetery
A figure in white often startles travellers on Lucy Run Road, dashing across the road to evaporate before their eyes at the gate to Batavia Cemetery. This is the story of who she is and where she came from.
The family of Charles Robinson set out for the west in 1806, first spending time in Kentucky, then settling for good in the fields of Clermont County, Ohio, building his family a log cabin alongside a sizable creek. Charles had several daughters. One of them, Lucy, was especially attractive and promising, and when she promptly became engaged at the proper age no one was surprised.
Then disaster struck. The fiancee rode to the Robinson cabin in a thunderstorm to tell her the bad news: he had met someone else, was in love with another woman. The engagement was off.
He rode off too quickly for the stunned Lucy, who mounted her horse and rode out into the storm to follow him. The rain was coming down in thick sheets, making visibility almost impossible, and somehow she missed the bridge and rode into the swollen creek. Thrown from her horse, she was swept away immediately and drowned in the muddy water.
From that time onward, the creek was known as Lucy's Run, and the road that runs alongside it Lucy Run Road. And Lucy has always been seen, running without a horse, across the road from the place where her family's homestead was to the gates of the cemetery where she is buried.