About Us
We are the Kentucky Spirit Chasers. Our mission is to assess, research and to investigate paranormal activity.
Kentucky Spirit Chasers is a paranormal investigative team that specializes in seeking out the truth We’re a core group of 3 members of like minded individuals that come from various professional backgrounds. We bring our collective knowledge and experience together in efforts to collect hard facts about paranormal activity reported by our clients. As a group, we’ve have educated ourselves for years regarding matters of the paranormal, by written word, casual personal experience, or organized investigations. We are well aware of the attraction and dangers posed by the paranormal and the unknown. We take a serious approach to investigating using state-of-the-art equipment and scientific process scrutinizing all of our findings.
What sets us apart from other paranormal teams?
First we only utilize science and technology to determine if paranormal activity exists. We use state-of-the-art equipment and software to aid in our investigation and provide analysis of our data collection. Our standards for determining paranormal evidence are high and our foremost approach is to put our client's mind at ease and search for explainable reasons for the claims reported. In over 90% of our cases, we are able to "disprove" or "debunk" some or all of claims reported by finding explanations and causes for (shadows, sounds, smells, etc..) which are caused by various reasons.
As a group, we’ve have educated ourselves for years regarding matters of the paranormal, by written word, casual personal experience, or organized investigations. We are well aware of the attraction and dangers posed by the paranormal and the unknown.
How do other paranormal teams operate differently from Kentucky Spirit Chasers?
Other local teams utilize psychics, religious practice and speculation to provide answers. Most teams offer services to cleanse or banish activity based on religious practice or ritual in which they encourage the ghosts to leave. These teams go into an investigation with a mind set that a location is already haunted and set out to prove their opinion before they even arrive. Some groups call these practices spirit rescue or medium site assessments. Kentucky Spirit Chasers cautions anyone from seeking these type of services from amateur or thrill seeking ghosts hunters who claim these services are practical or effective. Kentucky Spirit Chasers recommends only teams that utilize a scientific and logical approach to investigating paranormal phenomenon.
Our mission is to assess areas for paranormal activity with a primary approach of we believe you first, then a secondary method being a controlled monitoring method. If paranormal activity is found we will use the methods stated and provide evidence of such activityin a formal review..